Experience the benefits of yoga, mindfulness and meditation, whether you’re in the lounge room or the classroom, the backyard or the studio. Help kids develop a positive relationship with their bodies and minds, build confidence, strength and focus, and let their imaginations run wild.
This is the way you can communicate your support and thanks to the troops. It is not possible to write directly to or be a direct pen pal with a deployed soldier. You send them to SOT, we send them forward.
http://ymiclassroom.com/video/redcross/online-activities/index.html" rel="noopener" target="_blank">LEARN HOW TO PREPARE FOR EMERGENCIES WITH THESE
Are you ready for the emergency preparedness training challenge? See if you can complete all eleven activities!
There's No Safe Tobacco, But What Counts As Tobacco?
A federal government website managed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
on e-cigarette use among youth and young adults
Without fail the kids are BORED being stuck at home and you need to find something to do with everyone to keep your sanity. But if you can’t leave the house it is going to take some creativity to find things to keep the kids busy. Don’t worry, we’ve gathered up lots of great ideas using commonly found items.
Families, parents and guardians, welcome to Flipgrid! 💚
Flipgrid is a free video discussion platform from Microsoft that helps millions of educators across the world better engage with and hear from their students. To use Flipgrid, educators post discussion prompts and students respond, anytime and anywhere, with short videos.
NASA's FREE Image and Digital Library
No matter if you enjoy taking or just watching images of space, NASA has a treat for you. They have made their entire collection of images, sounds, and video available and publicly searchable online. It’s 140,000 photos and other resources available for you to see, or even download and use it any way you like.
My Teachers Pay Teachers Site: Quality Time With Mrs. Uetz.
I have changed most items to be free so that people can have access to these activities.
Activities were developed for high school students with learning disabilities in math. There are also self-advocacy and work experience activities.
Healthy Activities to Do at Home
When kids are out of school for any reason, whether it’s the weekend, a holiday break, or a school closure, parents and caregivers can use these activities and resources to keep their kids moving, learning, and eating healthily.
Resources for Schools and Families During COVID-19/Coronavirus
In addition to our Game On activities library, check out these resources from our partners and other organizations.